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Keeping Your Skin Beautiful All Year Round

Keeping Your Skin Beautiful All Year Round

Wether we admit it or not, we all want to have a beautiful skin. Having a brilliant and glowing skin gives us the confidence we need. However, keeping it in good condition throughout the different seasons is challenging. How do we make sure our skin looks good no matter the weather?


Better choices = better skin

Our everyday choices can influence the health and vitality of our skin. Here are some of the things you can do to help your skin be at its best:

  • Avoid smoking. The toxins in cigarette smoke damage collagen and elastin, which are the fibrous components of your skin that keep it firm and supple. Without them, your skin can become hardened and less elastic, leading to deeper wrinkles and premature aging.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercise increases your blood flow which then brings nutrients to our skin rapidly. Don't be afraid to sweat to get that glowing complexion!
  • Wash your face like both day and night. You should exfoliate from time to time and moisturize ALWAYS. Find the right products that suit to your skin type and create your own skincare routine.
  • Avoid long hot showers. It washes away your natural oils and robs your body of moisture.

Eat and drink for your skin

What we put inside our bodies reflects on our skin. When we eat and drink healthy our skin becomes healthy too. Absolutely keep your body hydrated at all times. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. The association between diet and acne isn't clear — but some research suggests that a diet rich in fish oil or fish oil supplements and low in unhealthy fats and processed or refined carbohydrates might promote younger looking skin.


Thou shall not forget your sunscreen

Sunscreen isn't just a recommendation, it is a MUST. Skin exposed to the sun can result to fast aging. For day-to-day use, pick a sunscreen with sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. If you spend time outdoors, choose a product with SPF 50 or greater.  Do not just use it during summers, the sun does not go away during winters. 

Sleep into beauty

It is imperative to get a full night's sleep. They did not call it "beauty sleep" for no reason. Do not block your body's need to skin repair by depriving it of ample rest. Got to bed early and be a sleeping beauty.


Let's face it we all want to have perfectly looking skin but not everyone is willing to do the work. Due to different factors, it can be difficult to achieve and maintain a healthy and glowing skin. It takes making the right choices everyday. When you take care of your skin, it will thank you by being beautiful and at its best. 


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